
Introduction to Rust/Python Interop with PyO3

9:00 - 13:00

In this workshop you will learn the basics of integrating Rust code into your Python projects. We will cover what PyO3 is and how it can be used to build code that feels natural on both the Python and the Rust side. We will also cover maturin as a build tool to make compiling and packaging easy.

The workshop assumes some basic knowledge of Rust and Python.

Workshop by

Picture of Marc Schoolderman

Marc Schoolderman

Software engineer @ Tweede golf

Marc is a software engineer at Tweede golf, interested in reliable software engineering. He led the project team formed by Tweede golf and Ferrous Systems to re-implement the ubiquitous “sudo” and “su” commands in Rust. Before working at Tweede golf, he worked at the Digital Security department at Radboud University Nijmegen, researching the practical application of formal methods.

Picture of Tamme Dittrich

Tamme Dittrich

Embedded Rust engineer @ Tweede golf

With both an educational and professional background in industrial applications of embedded software, Tamme’s experience stretches from FPGAs to Industrial automation protocols.

Get your ticket!

All workshops are held on Thursday 15 May from 9:00 to 13:00. The location is DUS Utrecht.
Address: DUS, Sophialaan 1, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Workshop tickets are available in combination with a conference ticket, called 'Conference + workshop - Individuals' or 'Conference + workshop - Employer-paid'.