
Introduction to Diesel: basic and advanced concepts in practice

9:00 - 13:00

Diesel is a performant and type-safe query builder and ORM (object relational mapper) for Rust. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how Diesel can be used to build complex database-dependent applications.

Target Audience

This workshop is designed for developers using Rust to develop software that interacts with database system. Participants are assumed to have at least basic Rust knowledge.


All parts of the workshop are accompanied by hands-on exercises. Participants will build their own small web application as part of the workshop.

The workshop consists of the following different parts:

  1. Introducing Diesel

As first step of our workshop, we will look at Diesel from a high level point of view. You will setup a small example application together to get a working environment for the later stages of the workshop.

  1. Explaining how the different CRUD statements work

In this part, we will explain how Diesel models Insert, Query, Update and Delete statements. You will extend our example application to perform each of these operations. As part of this step you will see which of the offered options for each operation should be used in which use-case.

  1. Diesel-Async and when you should use it

Here we will discuss the differences between the regular diesel crate and the diesel-async crate. You will learn how they interact with each other, what the advantages and disadvantages of each crate are and when to use one or the other.


The workshop material will be shared publicly before the workshop. Participants are expected to bring their own laptop with a working Rust development setup.

Workshop by

Picture of Georg Semmler

Georg Semmler

Diesel Maintainer

I’m Georg, the maintainer of the widely used Safe, Extensible Rust ORM and Query Builder Diesel. Beside of working on Diesel, I contribute to the Rust ecosystem to resolve problems I encounter while improving Diesel. This includes contributing to the Rust compiler and occasionally contributing to the language design itself. In my day job at GiGa infosystems GmbH, I work as researcher and developer on a database system for 3D-subsurface models.

Get your ticket!

All workshops are held on Thursday 15 May from 9:00 to 13:00. The location is DUS Utrecht.
Address: DUS, Sophialaan 1, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Workshop tickets are available in combination with a conference ticket, called 'Conference + workshop - Individuals' or 'Conference + workshop - Employer-paid'.