
Rust CLI Tools: Building A Fast File Finder

9:00 - 13:00

Participants will build a complete command-line file finder in Rust, learning about file system operations, error handling, and CLI design patterns.

  • Target audience: Rust beginners/intermediate developers interested in building a small real-world CLI tool with Rust
  • Requirements: Basic programming experience with Rust (i.e. the Rust book, Rustlings, or experience in other languages like Go, Python, or TypeScript), laptop with Rust installed

Workshop by

Picture of Matthias Endler

Matthias Endler

Rust Consultant & 'Rust in Production' podcast host

Hi, I’m Matthias Endler, a Rust developer and open-source maintainer with 20 years of experience in software development. I’m also the host of the ‘Rust in Production’ podcast.

I help clients worldwide get the most out of Rust through training, consulting, and writing no-frills, easy-to-follow, idiomatic Rust code.

Get your ticket!

All workshops are held on Thursday 15 May from 9:00 to 13:00. The location is DUS Utrecht.
Address: DUS, Sophialaan 1, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Workshop tickets are available in combination with a conference ticket, called 'Conference + workshop - Individuals' or 'Conference + workshop - Employer-paid'.