We open-sourced a SAT solver, Resolvo, for our package manager. In this talk we’ll take you on a journey where we show you how we made this performant, ergonomic, sync/async with a single code path. Starting with: What is SAT, why should I care and moving on towards more advanced SAT+Rust patterns.
I’m Tim, I like programming, gaming, cycling, cooking and traveling and everything in between. I was a begrudging user of C++ but discovered Rust when working on a game engine, and made the switch a couple of years later. The last years I’ve been been programming in open-source which I enjoy a lot, doing something that is out in the open and meeting and working with more people both online and offline than ever has been really great. I’m the father of two absolutely amazing boys, that I have yet to introduce to programming (the are quite young) but am already making good headway into introducing gaming into their lives.