
WATERWOLF: The Bevy Engine in Action

by Jos Feenstra

We’ve all heard the joke: for every five Rust games, we build fifty game engines. And honestly? No shame in that! But for those looking to tip the scales toward actually making games, I want to share my experience developing WATERWOLF—a historical Dutch city builder where you must fight the sea to keep your town safe.

This talk is a case study on using the Bevy engine at scale for 3D, covering procedural generation, custom shaders, and UI systems. Expect hard-won lessons and plenty of insights into making Bevy work for a full-fledged game.

Audience: All


Picture of Jos Feenstra

Jos Feenstra

Architectural designer turned geodetic engineer turned game developer. Discovered Rust five years ago and haven’t touched another language since. Currently developing WATERWOLF as co-owner of Passionate about connecting CAD, BIM, and GIS industries—because we have a lot to learn from each other!

When I’m not behind a keyboard, you’ll find me cycling, boxing, reading, or making music. Terrible at chess, but excellent at cheesy tarot readings.