The Rust All-Hands 2025 will take place as part of RustWeek 2025, which includes a conference and other activities.
NOTE: All information on this page is for Rust project members and invited guests. If you are not part of this group, please check out the RustWeek 2025 homepage instead.
If you are a member of the Rust Project (or an invited guest) and attending RustWeek 2025, your week will look like this:
Explore Utrecht, hang out with friends, or join one of the social activities with other Rustaceans.
See RustWeek 2025
With dedicated
Rust Project track
Project talks TBD
Board games? Lego?
Hang out with friends?
Live release of Rust 1.87!
Dedicated rooms per team
Room schedules TBD
Room assignments TBD
Dedicated rooms per team
Room schedules TBD
Room assignments TBD
RustWeek 2025 includes social activities organised by and for all attending Rustaceans. You are very welcome to join these activities or organise your own.
Check out the RustWeek 2025 homepage for details.
On Wednesday, the second day of the RustWeek 2025 conference, there will be a dedicated room for the "Rust Project track".
Team members can give talks as part of this track that are mainly relevant to Rust project members and contributors.
If you want to give a talk as part of this track, reach out to Mara on Zulip. If you want to give a talk for a wider audience, consider submitting your talk to the RustWeek 2025 Call for Proposals.
To attend the conference, you'll need a conference ticket. If your employer is unable to pay for your ticket, please request a sponsored ticket from the Rust Foundation through grants@rustfoundation.org.
The venue of the All-Hands will open a day early for an optional and informal "pre-all-hands" day. There will be no set schedules or plans.
If you do feel the urge to do anything productive on this day, there will be plenty of rooms to work or collaborate with others. For everyone else, there will be board games, Lego, outdoor games, and plenty of other team members to hang out with.
You don't need a separate ticket for the Pre-All-Hands.
At the same venue, in the afternoon and evening, we will be celebrating the 10th birthday of Rust 1.0 together with Rust project alumni, Rust users, and sponsors.
Rust's 10th birthday happens to fall exactly on the same day as the release of Rust 1.87.0, which will happen live on stage.
All attendees of the Rust All-Hands are also invited to the celebration. We will ask you to confirm your attendance at a later point in time.
The Rust All-Hands 2025 will officially begin on Friday. Other than one or two plenary sessions, each of the team will have their own schedule and their own dedicated room.
The All-Hands Planning Team (to be established soon) will coordinate the schedules and room assignments in advance, to maximize the opportunities for collaboration between teams.
We will have 12 rooms available to us: 4 small rooms (~12 seats), 4 slightly bigger rooms (~14 seats), a medium sized room (~20 seats), a large square room (~40 seats), a long rectangular room (~48 seats), and a big room that fits all of us (~200 seats in a theatre layout).
Each room will have tables made out of cardboard that you can write on, a whiteboard and/or flipover, and a large HDMI screen.
To attend the Rust All-Hands, you'll need to register.
At the same venue, in the other wing of the same building, there will be a parallel event: an unconference for Rust maintainers. This unconference will include rooms for Rust for Linux, Bevy, UI/app development, the embedded working group, and more (TBD).
This provides a great opportunity for collaboration. You can invite potential users to your discussions about new Rust features, or you can ask to join one of the maintainer rooms to hear about their Rust needs.
See the RustWeek 2025 homepage for details on the location of the conference and how to travel there.
For attendees of the All-Hands, we have block reservations at three hotels that you can make use of. Additional hotel recommendations can be found on the hotels page.
If you don't have an employer that pays for your trip, make sure to request a reimbursement from the Rust Foundation by contacting grants@rustfoundation.org.
This page will be updated with more information in the following weeks and months.
If you have any logistical or organisational questions, please reach out to Mara on Zulip!